The only response I can offer? Last year's card wiped me out! How to top that has left me with no ideas, totally drained of creativity. And so, as I head off to work in a few minutes (yes, on Christmas EVE) I decided to do what any self-respecting photographer would do.
I took some Christmas photos, and you can choose your OWN card!
They all come with the best of Christmas wishes, with thoughts of joyful laughter, with the spirit of peace and love, and the hopes for a happy healthy holiday season and a bright new year!
Peace and Love, Trish, Timmy, kids and kitties
Has Hamish been good?

This honeycomb ornament belonged to my grandma Elaine

An icy, snowy sled

Miss Tatiana was a good girl, Santa

Our Tree

Christmas Cards recieved

Ornaments on display