Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Years Resolutions??

Do people still do this to themselves?
Go out, get bent, and come home, believing that TOMORROW, the world they exist in will be able to be radically changed, just because it’s called January?

Well, not me. Look, it’s January THIRD, and I still haven’t made a list!!!

If I were to make a list, I suppose procrastinate less would have to be high on it, right?

I could of course, write a list of resolutions.
Lose ten pounds.
Exercise more.
Eat less chocolate.
Put house keeping higher on my radar.
Save Money.
Buy less fabric.
Oh, right, the procrastination thing-y.

Sounds like a more like a prison sentence than a lifestyle.

So, how about GOALS….Goals, I think I could handle.

So, for 2007, what goals do I have?

Spend more time with friends. Keep up contact.

Quilt more! That would help the fabric pile-up, and allow me to add to my stash with less guilt. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to learn to finish things, right? Follow-through. I have joined a UFO quilting group to help me process all those started projects. (there are 25 items currently on the list....)

Scrapbooking has taken a back seat to my other endeavors this past year, primarily because the monthly get-together we used to have was ended when our local store closed. I could do this at home. I certainly haven’t run out of photos yet! And I do enjoy it! (there are a jillion half finished pages, and that many more photos awaiting page design)

I have started doing some writing again. I am enjoying the different creative concepts, and outcomes. I don't want to stop that.

The housework resolution I can’t find a way to turn into a goal. Just doesn’t interest me enough. Sorry. But I have decided to try at least one NEW recipe a week. By the end of the year, I should have a collection of ideas that we both like!

Oh, the money thing. Well, I am pretty good about shopping wisely. I only get crazy at the quilt store, the quilt show….. but I certainly can’t eliminate THAT part of my experience!

The garden. But that's more of a spring time desire. In spring all feels possible.

2007 is the year I turn 42--- 42 is my number. 42 is the ultimate answer, you know. If you don’t believe me, google it! Seriously. Google the number 42, and all will be answered!

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone has a great one!