And then to the new scrapbook store next to the quiltman. Ashland is a bad bad place.
Anyway, the words to this song rattled around in my head as I buzzed down 95. The entire concept and construction occured on the ride home.
I felt that it needed to be in soft, monochromatic colors, to emphasize John and Pauls timeless lyrics, I never saw 60's psychedelic colors. I printed the words onto fabric run through my printer, cut them up and the sewed them back together. Using some fabric paint and rubber stamps designed for scrapbooking, I pressed the title over the entire thing.

I started playing with scraps from a different quilt, and came up with an idea for the postcards, but while putting it together, it reminded me of my Aunt Gene. She was the ultimate hoarder. I thought, wow, wouldn't Aunt Gene be proud! Then of course, I amended that thought, because the last time I saw her before she died, she had no idea who I was. Alzheimers had taken her, and her sister, my great-grandmother. I recalled there was an Alzheimers project for quilters going on as well. I took the thought for the postcards, reworked it for the Alzheimers project and liked the result so much (down in the past postings SOMEWHERE) that I made one for my Journal Quilt as well.

Ok, another one caused by the endless circular carryings on at quiltart. Is it real or is it memorex? What constites a quilt? What makes it art? Yada yada. One round of this discussion brought up the idea of a sunflower. Someone stated that they were trite. Not art (dont tell Georgia)....Anyhoooo, I just left the Chicago quilt show and there were a heck of a lot of Sunflowers that made it into the show!!!
And after all, I personally have never worked with the sunflower as a subject, in any media. How could it be trite to me? For bonus points, I tossed in a Kincade-esque background complete with Lumiere painted sky and a thatched cottage.
DiscOver Aquehonga On-Display at Houston

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